This is a lite 2D web version of Semko that I'm working on.  Semko Devlog

I thought it would be fun to create a lite version over the weekend of Semko, and here it is - made in one day. It was actually quite fun to get back into godot, so I'm definitely expanding it over time, like:

- add obelisks (currently only as prop)
- add bow and shield
- add UI
- interactive environment
- a little bit bigger map
- more variety in monsters and their attacks

While there is no UI, here some info:

Current Controls:

Left mouse button: attack /// WASD and arrow keys: walk /// shift: sprint 

Other info:

Player has 100HP and deals 25damage per hit; Monsters have 100HP as well and deal 15-20damage per hit

Semko Devlog on Youtube
